Program Description 

The construction industry is one of the largest eco­nom­ic dri­ving forces in Alber­ta and Cana­da. The Uni­ver­si­ty of Alberta’s Con­struc­tion Man­age­ment & Admin­is­tra­tion Cer­tifi­cate explores the plan­ning, tech­ni­cal, finan­cial, and legal aspects of the con­struc­tion busi­ness to allow learn­ers to devel­op and expand their man­age­r­i­al skills and advance their careers. This pro­gram will be of val­ue to prac­tis­ing con­struc­tion pro­fes­sion­als and those wish­ing to tran­si­tion into the field. 


Is This Program Right For You? 

If you work in the con­struc­tion indus­try and are seek­ing a com­pet­i­tive edge to fur­ther your career, the Con­struc­tion Man­age­ment & Admin­is­tra­tion Cer­tifi­cate will great­ly increase your abil­i­ty to com­pete and succeed.



  • “I real­ly enjoyed the flex­i­bil­i­ty to work and study at the same time. The evening class­es helped a lot.”
  • “Con­struc­tion is a major part of archi­tec­ture. As an archi­tec­tur­al design­er, I found the pro­gram to be very beneficial.”
  • “I loved the pro­gram. Every­thing was great! The teach­ers were awe­some — so smart and personable.”

Learning Objectives 

  • Apply specialized knowledge and skills for enhanced job performance and career advancement.
  • Apply administrative and technical concepts, principles, and practices to the unique requirements and processes found in the construction industry.
  • Effectively deliver projects and plans and manage schedules, staff, and budgets.
  • Be familiar with the numerous legal aspects of construction, from managing contracts to real estate law and land development regulation.
  • Perform cost-planning and budget analysis for building designs. Estimate and control costs, prepare bids, and minimize change orders.
  • Manage work with sub-contractors, clients, suppliers, architects, engineers, government agencies, and others.

What will I receive?

Upon completion of all program requirements, you will receive a Construction Management & Administration Certificate


The approximate cost of this Certificate is $5360 CAD

  • Course Fees range from $595 to $695 CAD
  • Pay as you go - students pay on a course-by-course basis as they register. You do not need to pay the entire program fee at once
  • An application fee of $100 is required for admis­sion into the program
  • Cours­es are GST-exempt
  • Consider applying for the Cana­da-Alber­ta Job Grant
  • Some courses may require additional resources such as textbooks. This information can be found in the course section details

Program Details 

  • This program is comprised of six core courses and 39 elective hours. Courses range from 21-39 hours in length, for a total of 255 instructional hours
  • This program is designed for part-time study and can generally be completed within one to three years
  • Students have the flexibility to schedule courses around their availability. Typically students complete 1-2 courses per semester based on the course length
  • Courses are graded with assessments. This might include quizzes, exams, discussion forums, assignments, papers, and presentations
  • Courses are offered online synchronously and/or asynchronously. Please check the course section for details. Further details on delivery formats can be found here 
  • Course materials are shared in Eclass. Some courses may require additional resources, such as textbooks. This information can be found in the course section details

Your Instructors

  • Our instructors are not just educators; they are industry experts, adult learning specialists, and professionals deeply connected to the pulse of their respective fields. 

How to Apply 

  • We are open to stu­dents with a variety of educational and professional back­grounds. Our expec­ta­tion is that you have a com­mit­ment to learn and achieve your con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion goals
  • To apply, download the Application for Program Admission
  • The admission fee is $100
  • Individual courses are open for general studies and may be completed without being admitted into a program
  • Programs change occasionally, so we recommend applying for admission early. Once admitted, your requirements to complete the program are locked in. You can be confident that completed and eligible courses will continue to apply to your program.

How to Apply for your Credential 

  • Students can verify their program requirements and progress by logging into the University of Alberta’s student portal, Bear Tracks, to view your Academic Advisement
  • A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 is required to graduate
  • To qualify for program completion, you must submit a request to obtain your credential
  • For a breakdown of details and how to qualify, visit the program completion page
  • Upon completing this credential, you are eligible to become a UAlberta Associate Alumni

Transferability and Professional Designations 

Explore Funding and Scholarship Opportunities


International Students

  • International Students are welcome to enroll in our courses, with the only requirement being a stable internet connection. There are no differential course fees for international students completing courses in this program
  • Students are responsible for ensuring that they are proficient in English so that they can fully participate in classes
  • Please note that non-credit programming does not qualify for a study permit, therefore this program cannot be used for immigration to Canada. Foreign nationals authorized to work in Canada who are prohibited from engaging in studies as a condition of their work permit are allowed to engage in distance learning courses. For more information please contact University of Alberta International Student Services

Student Services and Policies

Further information can be found on withdrawals, refunds+ transfers, assessment and grading, Program Admission


Support Services

Student Service Centre - for payment and registration inquiries


Contact us

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