Program Description

Project man­age­ment has become a crit­i­cal skill in every work­place. Man­agers need the tools, tech­niques, and knowl­edge to han­dle projects and deliv­er suc­cess­ful out­comes. Whether you are man­ag­ing small or large projects, learn how to plan, exe­cute, con­trol, and most impor­tant­ly, deliv­er results.


Through a set of three two-day work­shops, you will work through an entire case to learn prac­ti­cal skills and knowl­edge that can imme­di­ate­ly apply to your cur­rent projects. Cours­es cov­er project man­age­ment prin­ci­ples, project scope, doc­u­men­ta­tion, esti­mat­ing and bud­get­ing, sched­ul­ing, resource lev­el­ing, risk, man­ag­ing stake­hold­ers, and communication.


Your Program

3 Courses |14 Hours Per Course | Online & Flexible | Record of Achievement in as Little as 1 Year



Through these courses, you will:

  • Work through the entire lifecycle of a project.
  • Build knowledge and skills in project management that are immediately transferrable to your work.
  • Enhance your career opportunities in today’s competitive workplace

Who it's good for

  • Pro­fes­sion­als in entry to mid-lev­el management who are begin­ning to man­age small or large projects as part of their cur­rent role
  • Stu­dents may come from a wide range of employ­ment sec­tors, includ­ing pri­vate, gov­ern­men­tal, and edu­ca­tion­al organizations

What you'll get out of it

Upon completion of all program requirements, you will receive a Record of Achievement in Project Management


  • The approximate cost of this series is $1,785 CAD
  • Course Fees are $595 
  • Pay as you go - students pay on a course-by-course basis as they register. You do not need to pay all of the course fees at once
  • Cours­es are GST-exempt
  • Consider applying for the Cana­da-Alber­ta Job Grant
  • Some courses may require additional resources such as textbooks. This information can be found in the course section details

Program Details

  • The series is com­prised of three two-day work­shops, each of them designed to stand alone in pro­vid­ing spe­cif­ic project man­age­ment skills. Work­shops can also be tak­en togeth­er to pro­vide stu­dents with a com­pre­hen­sive project man­age­ment skill set.
  • We rec­om­mend that stu­dents take the cours­es in this order: EXMGT 5427, EXMGT 5443, EXMGT 5444.
  • Courses are graded with assessments. This might include quizzes, exams, discussion forums, papers, and presentations
  • Courses are offered online synchronously. Please check the course section for details. Further details on delivery formats can be found here 
  • Course materials are shared in Eclass.

Your Instructors

  • Our instructors are not just educators; they are industry experts, adult learning specialists, and professionals deeply connected to the pulse of their respective fields. 

How to Apply 

  • There are no admission requirements or processes students need to complete when pursuing a Continuing Education Series


Explore Funding and Scholarship Opportunitie


How to Apply for your Record of Achievement



  • Upon com­ple­tion of this series you can receive 39 elec­tive cred­it hours in the Man­age­ment Devel­op­ment Cer­tifi­cate program

International Students

  • International Students are welcome to enroll in our courses, with the only requirement being a stable internet connection. There are no differential course fees for international students completing courses in this program
  • Students are responsible for ensuring that they are proficient in English so that they can fully participate in classes
  • Please note that non-credit programming does not qualify for a study permit, therefore this program cannot be used for immigration to Canada. Foreign nationals authorized to work in Canada who are prohibited from engaging in studies as a condition of their work permit are allowed to engage in distance learning courses. For more information please contact University of Alberta International Student Services

Support Services


Contact us

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