Program Description

Through a project-based cur­ricu­lum, you will com­plete this boot­camp with a port­fo­lio of six projects includ­ing a final cap­stone project that demon­strates your prac­ti­cal skills, game devel­op­ment knowl­edge and your abil­i­ty to cre­ate a min­i­mum viable project. Learn the skills you need to launch a career in Uni­ty Game Development. 

The Uni­ty Devel­op­ment Boot­camp is offered in part­ner­ship with Cir­cuit Stream, an indus­try leader in Aug­ment­ed Real­i­ty (AR), Vir­tu­al Real­i­ty (VR) and Real-Time 3D (RT3D) education.

Learn the real-time 3D skills need­ed to devel­op games for mul­ti­ple plat­forms includ­ing how to cre­ate game archi­tec­ture, imple­ment game­play mechan­ics and opti­mize 3D applications.

By gain­ing expe­ri­ence in cre­at­ing scal­able game archi­tec­ture using design pat­terns, imple­ment­ing game­play mechan­ics based on game design doc­u­ments, opti­miz­ing 3D appli­ca­tions, as well as pro­fi­cien­cy in inte­grat­ing third-par­ty libraries and APIs, you will be equipped with com­pre­hen­sive skills for game development.                                                                           

Is This Program Right For You?

This begin­ner-friend­ly online boot­camp is designed to pre­pare you for a career in the 3D devel­op­ment indus­try. In just 30 weeks, you’ll gain real-time 3D skills that equip you to pur­sue entry-lev­el jobs as a game devel­op­er in the video game indus­try and oth­er relat­ed indus­tries like vir­tu­al and aug­ment­ed reality. 

Learning Objectives

  • This 30-week begin­ner-friend­ly career and skill devel­op­ment boot­camp is designed for any­one with an inter­est in pur­su­ing a career with­in the real-time 3D (RT3D) indus­try. There are no pre­req­ui­sites or expe­ri­ence required.

What will I receive?

Upon successful completion of this bootcamp and a minimum grade of 70% in the program, you will earn Unity Developer co-branded Digital Badge from the University of Alberta and Circuit Stream.


Program Details

This live online program runs over thirty weeks. Your time commitment will include:

  • 5 hours of online class sessions per week
  • 2.5 hours of lab time every second week
  • 10 hours self-study
  • Optional weekly office hours
  • Weekly assignments
  • In-class challenges


  • Module project (50%)
  • Capstone project (50%)

Your Instructors

  • Our instructors are not just educators; they are industry experts, adult learning specialists, and professionals deeply connected to the pulse of their respective fields. 

How to Apply


  • This pro­gram is non-cred­it and does not count towards a Uni­ver­si­ty of Alber­ta diplo­ma or cer­tifi­cate pro­gram. It will not impact your GPA and you will not see it on your tran­script. Upon suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion, you will receive a co-brand­ed dig­i­tal badge from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Alber­ta and Cir­cuit Stream.

International Students

  • International Students are welcome to enroll in our courses, with the only requirement being a stable internet connection. There are no differential course fees for international students completing courses in this program
  • Students are responsible for ensuring that they are proficient in English so that they can fully participate in classes
  • Please note that non-credit programming does not qualify for a study permit, therefore this program cannot be used for immigration to Canada. Foreign nationals authorized to work in Canada who are prohibited from engaging in studies as a condition of their work permit are allowed to engage in distance learning courses.


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