Analytics offers powerful insights into how users are accessing online information about businesses or organizations. Learn the role played by analytics in making savvy business decisions, and be able to report this information to stakeholders across an organization.

The Analytics for Digital Media Micro­cre­den­tial is comprised of one online cours­e that will help you understand the lan­guage of ana­lyt­ics and its many acronyms as a means to mea­sure where your web traf­fic is com­ing from, how much web traf­fic you are receiv­ing, which mes­sages are most effec­tive and how to report on these mea­sures. Iden­ti­fy use­ful met­rics and describe how they can be ana­lyzed to sup­port busi­ness objec­tives, devel­op­ing a report­ing frame­work for effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

This pro­gram will be of inter­est to a wide range of learn­ers — includ­ing mar­ket­ing pro­fes­sion­als, dig­i­tal entre­pre­neurs, and administrative assistants — offer­ing a stream­lined path for those look­ing to devel­op skills they can quick­ly apply in this rapid­ly grow­ing field. 

This course can also be applied toward the Digital Marketing, Social Media and Certified Administrative Professional Designation programs for those inter­est­ed in pur­su­ing fur­ther pro­fes­sion­al development.

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