
Course Description

Designed for English language learners, this course is for those who want to develop public speaking skills. In these interactive classes, you will acquire tools and strategies for planning and delivering effective, persuasive presentations. The course is focused on concepts of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and will address features of various digital platforms, taking into account audience, presentation purpose, structure, and features of public speaking. You will have opportunities to practice your new skills and to deliver a minipresentation for instructor and peer feedback.

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is intended for non-native English speakers with a minimum CLB Level 5/IELTS score of 5.0 who are looking to increase their employability by building their knowledge of workplace communications and cultural competencies.


This course is part of the Communication Skills for the Workplace (CSW) Certificate program. CSW is a language-based learning certificate intended for international speakers of English working in the public or private sector. Contact elsinfo@ualberta.ca for additional information.

Applies Towards the Following Programs

This course is available to group applicants. Please submit a Course Inquiry to elsinfo@ualberta.ca for group applications.
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