
Course Description

Course begins with emotional intelligence self-identification; how beliefs, values, and principles impact leadership. Participants will complete an emotional intelligence assessment (EQi) with integration of outcomes. Strategic thinking will also be explored as a compelling way to explore the future of municipalities; going deeper than frameworks into the thought processes that allow effective strategy to form. Participants will learn by doing; using individual and group activities reflective of municipal challenges.

Who Should Take This Course?

Are you a mid-level manager (or above) who leads one or more teams, groups or departments? Are you interested in further developing effective management and leadership skills in a municipal setting? Do you face competing priorities and want to learn how to make more informed decisions that benefit all stakeholders? The ECML program has been specially designed to enhance your leadership capacities within the ever-changing municipal environment. The first course - EXASB 6101 - begins with Emotional Intelligence and offers insight into how you lead and influence others, while providing skills to optimize your role.

Learner Outcomes

  • Explore the fundamental underpinnings of successful organizationalleadership.
  • Understand the role of emotional intelligence in effectiveleadership.
  • Identify areas of emotional intelligence related to transformational leadership as a mechanism for structuring development planning.
  • Define the concept of leadership derailers and create strategiesto address derailing behaviors.
  • Understand how all managers and leaders of people can contribute to the effective leadership in their municipalities;
    • Identify how leaders foster a climate of continuous improvement aimed at systematic change to achieve success;
    • Explore fundamental concepts of leading in a municipal environment including common practices of leadership such as engaging and motivating staff, creating a culture of accountability, and supporting individual staff and team members to achieve the highest levels of performance.

Applies Towards the Following Programs

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Leading and Managing in Municipalities
Language of Delivery
Online - Synchronous
T, W, Th
8:30AM to 4:30PM
Oct 01, 2024 to Oct 03, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Online - Synchronous  
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $1,575.00
Drop Request Deadline
Oct 01, 2024
Transfer Request Deadline
Sep 27, 2024
Withdrawal Request Deadline
Oct 01, 2024 to Oct 03, 2024
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