
Course Description

Explore how IT units are structured and managed to effectively deliver products and services to organizations. Find out how to link IT strategy to business value, and learn about topics such as IT value proposition, IT structure and resourcing, IT budgeting, and risk management.

Who Should Take This Course?

Aimed at business and IT professionals, as well as those working toward a career in IT management.

Learner Outcomes

Identify the challenges resulting from a lack of governance in an organization. Understand the relationship between value and governance. Identify the key IT roles within an organization and their associated responsibilities. Gain insights into the different governance structures and how to successfully operate within them. Create activities, objectives, measures, and steering needs for enterprise portfolios, business application portfolios, and support portfolios.


Ensure that you have the right IT governance model to enable your organization. Learn through lectures, discussions, and activities. Gain valuable networking opportunities and widen your circle of professional contacts. Fully online synchronous course, accessible through eClass, the University of Alberta’s eLearning management tool. This is recommended as the second course to be taken in the Information Technology for Business Improvement series.
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