
Course Description

The practice of hydrogeology as generally applied in Alberta is presented. The course begins with the basics of groundwater flow, groundwater chemistry, and characterizing groundwater. The principles of groundwater contaminated site assessment, site conceptual models, and groundwater remediation will then be introduced along with regulatory considerations. Regional groundwater flow and its manifestations, aquifers and water wells in Alberta, groundwater resource evaluation, vulnerability, modelling, groundwater-surface water interaction, and implications of climate change will be explored.

Who Should Take This Course?

Aimed at individuals transitioning into the environmental field, as well as mid-level professionals in sectors involving environmental aspects, this course will also be of value to agrologists, biologists, engineers, industrial managers, foresters, technologists, and others who wish to update their skills and knowledge in this area.


This class has online synchronous lectures. Lecture-based instruction with group work, case study review, and calculation demonstrations. Course delivered over two consecutive weekends to accommodate the needs of working students. Recognized by the Alberta Institute of Agrologists (AIA) as a senior agrology course related to entrance into the profession and to augment core knowledge requirements related to a practice area. May be recognized as educational or continuing professional development credits by ECO Canada, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), the Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals (AAFMP), and the Association of Science & Engineering Technology Professionals Of Alberta (ASET). Bring a scientific calculator, ruler, pencil, eraser, and paper for each day of class. While there are no prerequisites for this course, prior knowledge of the following is recommended for student success: knowledge of Earth materials and processes; basic mathematics skills for manipulating equations; basic understanding of physics (e.g. force, pressure, and energy); basic chemistry; use of spreadsheets (e.g. Excel). Course assessment includes work and assignments outside of class times; in-class exams may also be included. Post-course work is required.
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