
Course Description
Advanced agrology course with emphasis on clas­si­fi­ca­tion and map­ping of soils. Soil process­es, prin­ci­ples of the Cana­di­an Sys­tem of Soil Clas­si­fi­ca­tion, soil pro­files and diag­nos­tic fea­tures, fac­tors of soil formation and soil-form­ing process­es, soil sur­vey pro­ce­dures, and uti­liza­tion of exist­ing spa­tial infor­ma­tion to sup­port soil map­ping at a detailed scale are covered. A manda­to­ry field trip to collect data for the map­ping exer­cis­e is required; students need to be fit for duty. Pri­or knowl­edge of soil sci­ence is strongly recommended for this course.

Who Should Take This Course?
Aimed at individuals transitioning into the environmental field, as well as mid-level professionals in sectors involving environmental aspects, this course will also be of value to agrologists, biologists, engineers, industrial managers, foresters, technologists, and others who wish to update their skills and knowledge in this area.

This class has online synchronous lectures, with one day as a mandatory in-person fieldwork day. Lecture-based instruction with learning facilitated through group work, case study review, and one fieldwork day. Recognized by the Alberta Institute of Agrologists (AIA) as a senior agrology course related to entrance into the profession and to augment core knowledge requirements related to a practice area. This course may be recognized as educational or continuing professional development credits by ECO Canada, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), the Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals (AAFMP), and the Association of Science & Engineering Technology Professionals Of Alberta (ASET). Pre-course materials are available on eClass prior to the course start date. Prior to the first day of class, students must review a series of videos and complete a pre-course assignment provided on eClass; advanced registration is advised. While there are no prerequisites for this course, prior knowledge of soil science is recommended for student success. This course includes in-class, computer-based activities. Course assessment includes post-course work, as well as assignments outside of class times; in-class final exam will also be included. Mandatory fieldwork: students are required to bring their own Personal Protective Equipment. Wear weather-appropriate clothing, and high-visibility clothing.
Coming Soon!

The sections for this course are still being finalized. Sign up below to receive updates as soon as they become available. Thank you for your patience.

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