
Course Description

Learn more about the multi-disciplinary topic of land recla­ma­tion. The course will cover reg­u­la­tions gov­ern­ing land recla­ma­tion, soil conservation, han­dling and stor­age, site prepa­ra­tion, plant com­mu­ni­ty ecol­o­gy, veg­e­ta­tion selec­tion and plant­i­ng, mon­i­tor­ing, and determinants of suc­cess with­in recla­ma­tion. Case studies and course work will be used to explore real-world application and project management in a land reclamation context.

Who Should Take This Course?

Aimed at individuals transitioning into the environmental field, as well as mid-level professionals in sectors involving environmental aspects, this course will also be of value to agrologists, biologists, engineers, industrial managers, foresters, technologists, and others who wish to update their skills and knowledge in this area.

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, students should be able to: Identify natural disturbances, appropriate soil testing, soil handling and storage requirements, plant communities, and weeds; Describe different types of land use and proper site preparation techniques; Determine appropriate regulations and guidelines governing your site, appropriate reclamation monitoring plans and metrics of success, potential for erosion, and amendment requirements; Utilize plant information for seed selection and planting. 


This class has online synchronous lectures. Stu­dents will require a com­put­er with both audio input and out­put (such as a micro­phone-equipped headset). Lecture-based course with group work and case study review.
Recognized by the Alberta Institute of Agrologists (AIA) as a senior agrology course related to entrance into the profession and to augment core knowledge requirements related to a practice area. This course may be recognized as educational or continuing professional development credits by ECO Canada, the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA), the Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals (AAFMP), and the Association of Science & Engineering Technology Professionals Of Alberta (ASET).
While there are no prerequisites for this course, basic knowledge of soils and vegetation is recommended for student success.
A basic calculator will be required in class for some of the modules. Post-course work may be required.
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Land Reclamation Fundamentals
Language of Delivery
Online - Synchronous
W, Th, F
8:00AM to 5:00PM
Feb 19, 2025 to Feb 21, 2025
Online - Synchronous
M, T
8:00AM to 5:00PM
Feb 24, 2025 to Feb 25, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Delivery Options
Online - Synchronous  
Course Fee(s)
Tuition Taxable credit $995.00
Section Notes
Students will require a computer with both audio input and output (such as a microphone-equipped headset).
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